Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Guruvayur Temple Visits - Thrice in two days....

Drive into Guruvayur from Cochi was 2.5 hr long and after visiting the Thriprayar Shri Rama Temple on the way. Feeling of entering Guruvayur was felt looking at the slush green surroundings

We got into a hotel near temple so that we can walk for the Nirmaalya Dharshan early in the morning without disturbing the driver who has been with us past 5 days showing around. Very young Chritian boy and very kind and nice person Jijo who took us everywhere safely.

Had the first dharshan in the evening since senior citizens are allowed specially parents could enjoy the dharshan in short span of time.Like in any temples strict scanning. No cellphones No cameras. Here is the picture of Entrance to the temple.

I decided to get up in the morning around 1230 to get ready to stand in line for 3 AM Nirmalya Dharshan. My father also got ready and came along with me. We stood (Sat) in the line at 1:30. Good thing they have done in Guruvayur is to put benches along the line where devotees can sit in line rather than stand in line. Little pushing is there once temple opens as here also Jarugandi is there. But then the Nirmaalya Dharshan is only for 30 min and hundreds of people have to be given dharshan. So they cannot help but to push people fast. You get about 10 seconds dharshan. Like Swami VeLukkudi says, Lord Krishna is little Krishna here and hence he will sleep often.So, unlike in Tirupathi, here dharshan time slots are short for Krishna to take rest to get ready for next dharshan.

Nirmaalya Dharshan was for less than 10 sec and we could get a glimpse of Krishna in Baniyan leaf.
Not satisfied with that short span, I went back to hotel and dropped my Dad so that he can take rest, came back again and stood in the long line. Just when our row was to get a chance they closed dharshan to allow Kutti Krishna to take rest for Abhishekam.

Beauty here is that morning and evening there is a procession with three elephants and Lord Krishna is taken around the temple (Ambaari). Had a chance to see Ambari twice in two days. One in the evening and one in the morning.

I am glad that my row was held back for 1.5 hours. Because when they let us in I saw little standing Krishna and got little extra time to see hi this time Wav.What a dharshan!!

Guruvayur has a great History. Lord Krishna worshipped Adi Kesava PerumaaL murthy which he inherited from his family starting from Kritha Yuga. When Krishna was leaving the earth, he called Brahaspathi (Guru) to safely land the PerumaaL since everything is sinking due to PraLayam at the end of the Dwapra Yuga. Brahaspathi set the vigraha on baniyan leaf in the ocean but it was not moving away from there. Brahaspathi sought of Vayu Bhagavan to take it away and safely land in shore. Vayu took it safely and the vigraha landed in the shore of Kerala. Krishna also has given instructions to install the deity at an appropriate place on earth. In that place Lord Shiva was doing penance for ages and he suggested that place to  consecrate the deity as the banks of Rudratheertha and gave his place for Lord and moved to Mummyoor.

Since Guru and Vayu brought PerumaaL it is called Guruvayur and little Deity was named Guruvayurappan.

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