Thursday, June 17, 2021

Lifetime dharshan of Aadi Athi Varadar - August 8-9, 2019.


Athi Varadar emerges out of water every 40 years for just 48 days and in 2019 he emerged out on July 1, 2019 and was going back to Amrutha Saras on Aug 17 2019. 

My brother I had an immense opportunity to witness this rare occasion and get His blessings. We booked the tickets for the same day without pre-planning and ended up going in the same flight. 

As soon as we reached Chennai, we took shower and freshened ourselves, had a cup of coffee and left for Kancheepuram at 330 AM. 

On Aug 8, 2019 we went for darma dharshan of 39th day of Athi Varadar and stood in line for 12:15 hours and got dharshan at 445 PM. What an experience to be with so many devotees We had no food and sipped water to be hydrated. Here are some of the pictures. 

On Aug 9, 2019 (40th day of Athi Varadar 2019), Kumar, Subha, Anand  and I went together. While Subha and Kumar got pass earlier, we both got VIP pass from Palani who arranged for us. Again we stood in line for 6.5 hours and got dharshan from side door little closer.